
狗狗努力地想鼻子前腳「推開」醫院大門。(圖/翻攝自「Compassion Without Borders」粉專,下同)


美國加州非營利組織Compassion Without Borders日前在臉書分享一部影片,一隻白底黑斑流浪狗在做完結紮手術後,竟然自己回到獸醫院門口,還不斷用鼻子頂或是用前腳抓醫院大門,直到有護士看到上前幫忙開門,狗狗隨即開心地搖着尾巴跑進來,讓醫護人員覺得很不可思議。

Compassion Without Borders 上月26日在臉書粉絲專頁PO出一段影片,一隻白底黑斑的流浪狗站在墨西哥佩納斯科港一間獸醫院大門外,先是用鼻子頂了頂醫院的玻璃門,發現打不開後又改用前腳抓,好不容易將門擠開一條縫,接着就迫不及待地將鼻子湊進來。





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Sometimes you get to rescue yourself.This sweet boy was brought in as a "neighborhood" dog to be neutered at our clinic in Mexico a few days ago by a nice woman who was brining in her own dog. He did well, recovered, and went back to the area with the woman.Then, the day after he left, who showed up all by himself at the door of or clinic other than this handsome fellow. He just strolled up on his own, asking to be left in, and now refuses to leave.We double checked with the woman who brought him in to confirms he belongs to no one, just roams the colony, which is very common in the area. She let us know he has nowhere to call home and has been around for many months.So, looks like we have another clever Meximutt to head north for our next rescue.Any ideas on names?www.cwob.org