
美國國安會印太總監kurt Campbell。(圖/達志影像美聯社


美國白宮國家安全會議印太事務協調總監坎伯(Kurt Campbell)6日表示,「我們支持強健的美臺非官方關係,我們不支持臺灣獨立,我們完全瞭解其敏感性」。(United States supported a strong informal relationship with Taiwan, but not its independence;We are fully aware and understand the sensitivities contained here)。

他還預期,美國有能力中國大陸和平相處,但挑戰越來越巨大,且北京變得越來越具有侵略性。(United States could coexist peacefully, but the challenge is enormous and Beijing is becoming more and more aggressive)

他表示,美國相信臺灣有和平生活權利,想看到其國際角色,尤其是疫苗疫情大流行相關議題,臺灣在其中應該有角色,不應被國際社會忽視。(We believe Taiwan has the right to live in peace. We would like to see its international role, especially in areas such as vaccines, and issues related to pandemics)