時論廣場》2023大選年臺美關係觀察指標(方恩格 Ross Darrell Feingold)

美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)。(圖/路透)


事實證明,美國沒有邀請臺灣加入印太經濟框架,而是提出了「美臺21世紀貿易倡議」,臺灣沒有被邀請加入環太平洋軍演,賴副總統也低調於2022年1月前往宏都拉斯參加新總統卡斯楚(Xiomara Castro)就職典禮時中途過境美國。

對於臺美關係,有許多政治評論家都抱持着「正面思考」,做出遠比事實更美好的預測。筆者認爲與其將那些對於臺美情勢做出劃火柴許願般 「預測」奉爲圭臬,不如就更客觀實際的着眼點來討論,以下列舉五點供各位觀察與思考:










US – Taiwan Relations in 2023: Biden Again Restrains Taiwan?

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad

Twitter: @RossFeingold

For 2022, this author opined that the Biden Administration would impose a “Temporary Restraining Order” on Taiwan (“TRO” are the initials of the favored name change to Taiwan Representative Office of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office that Taiwan supporters in the US Congress hoped, but failed, to make a reality in 2022). Potential TRO items for 2022 included the resumption of trade negotiations notwithstanding the result of the ractopamine pork referendum, denying Taiwan an invitation to the RIMPAC exercise, or the nature of public activities in the United States should President Tsai or Vice President William Lai transit the United States on their way to or from Central American or the Caribbean.

As it turned out, the United States did not invite Taiwan to join the Indo Pacific Economic Framework (and instead offered the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade), Taiwan was not invited to RIMPAC, and Vice President Lai had quick and low profile stop-overs on his way to the inauguration in Honduras of new President Xiomara Castro in January 2022.

Rather than make predictions about US-Taiwan relations in 2023, here are five things to watch:

1. Will the United States Welcome Taiwan’s Candidates for President to Visit: In recent election cycles candidates for President have developed the odd habit of visiting Washington DC, prior to the election. Democratic Progressive Party Tsai Ing-wen visited Washington DC in 2015 and 2011, and Chinese Nationalist Party Chairman Eric Chu visited Washington DC in 2015 (and again in 2022 as part of his “shadow” presidential campaign). This author dislikes the image of Taiwan presidential candidates visiting Washington DC to seek the affirmation of the United States government. Candidates for Taiwan President should not waste their time (or the time of US government officials) having conversations that can easily occur here in Taipei, and it would be a mistake for the Chinese Nationalist Party candidate, or Taiwan People’s Party candidate Ko Wen-je, to visit Washington DC.

2. Will Candidates for US President Visit Taiwan: The primaries for United President political party presidential nominations will begin in January 2024. For candidates who seek the Republican nomination, a visit to Taiwan is one way to prove they have better “Oppose China, Protect Taiwan” (抗中,保臺) credentials than the other candidates. Potential candidate Mike Pompeo visited Taiwan two times in 2022. Other potential candidates might visit, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is popular with Republican voters across the country, has the resources of his state government to use on a visit to Taiwan which can be under the guise of promoting Florida exports, and who made China an issue he campaigned on in his successful re-election campaign last year.

3. U.S.-Taiwan Initiative for 21st Century Trade: Will agreements be announced in the second half of this year to help the Democratic Progressive Party tell voters prior to the January 2024 election that the DPP is the better manager of US-Taiwan relations? The Taiwan public and industry needs to be prepared for a package of agreements that might, on paper, sound bilateral, but will likely be one sided given that the nature of the agenda items require Taiwan to take more action than the United States to open Taiwan’s market to U.S. companies. If a bilateral agreement is reached, will the Democratic Progressive Party Legislative Yuan Caucus conduct a quick, or thorough, review of the agreements? Will the Chinese Nationalist Party Legislative Yuan Caucus oppose the agreements or adhere to Chairman Eric Chu’s “close to the United States” (親美) policy?

4. Speaker Kevin McCarthy: Will new Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy visit Taiwan? Republican House members generally supported Speaker Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan last August, and McCarthy frequently discusses China issues. Under his leadership, the Republican minority in the House established a “China Task Force” (which Representative to the US Hsiao Bi-khim met with), and he will appoint a bi-partisan “select committee” to further investigate China issues. If McCarthy proposes to visit Taiwan, will the Biden Administration oppose the visit more aggressively than it opposed Pelosi’s visit? Biden made minimal effort to oppose Pelosi’s visit, both because of their long-time relationship and the reality that she was the outgoing House Speaker. Regardless, the cost of the visit will ultimately be borne by the military and people of Taiwan, so, if McCarthy proposes to visit Taiwan, the most important decisionmaker is President Tsai.

5. Other Issues: Among the other issues to watch in US-Taiwan relations are assistance with Taiwan’s substantive participation in multilateral organizations, significant weapons sales, visits to Taiwan by Biden Administration officials (though a cabinet secretary visit is unlikely), invitations for Taiwan officials to attend US-hosted multilateral events (the Democracy Summit in December 2021 shows the limits of the Biden Administration’s willingness to include Taiwan), announcements of even more bilateral initiatives to add to many existing ones.

Foreign commentators who try to predict events in Taiwan politics are often inaccurate. By way of example, an American faculty member at National Chengchi University co-authored a commentary prior to the local election last year that predicted former Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shih-chung is a “strong candidate” for the Democratic Progressive Party in Taipei City, and the Democratic Progressive Party “certainly is in a position to see great success come this fall.” We know how that worked out for the DPP.

Thus, perhaps the most important thing to avoid watching in 2023, an election year in Taiwan prior to voting in January 2024, is the extent to which foreigners try to tell the world what will happen in Taiwan or between Taiwan and China. The recent CSIS “wargame” is a good example, because the wargame’s conclusion might demoralize voters and influence their choice in the upcoming election. This author suggests Taiwan politicians avoid pandering to such foreign commentators, and Taiwan voters ignore them.