阿榮福利味/Find and Replace - Firefox搜尋取代外掛


讓Firefox瀏覽器也有搜尋取代功能外掛 - Find and Replace,所有瀏覽器都只有搜尋而沒有取代的功能,或許瀏覽器的開發者認爲取代功能永遠用不上!但是阿榮常常需要大量修改部落文章內容(如:載點網址置換),好不容易找到這個相當實用的外掛,纔不用爲了一個搜尋取代功能,把文字記事本軟體跟瀏覽器之間貼來貼去;安裝之後可以在網頁上按滑鼠右鍵,在右鍵選單中開啓「Find and Replace」功能。(阿榮)(下載)

A simple addon that enables you to find and replace text on the webpage you are currently on. To access the replace form either use your right click context menu or the keyboard shortcut shift + R. You can either replace one instance or all instances of a text phrase. Also supports new line replacing, unlike any other find and replace addon.

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