阿榮福利味/ShadowCopy - 採用VSS技術的檔案複製軟體


採用VSS技術檔案複製工具 - ShadowCopy,不管檔案被鎖定,或者是使用中,都可以利用微軟陰影複製服務(VSS - Microsoft Volume Shadow Services)順利將檔案複製下來,以達到備份目的,還支援DOS指令模式,當電腦程式無法停止運作而又需要備份時,就可以派上用場!(阿榮)

ShadowCopy is a simple program that copies all files from one place to another. Other than usual file managers, such as Windows Explorer, it copies all files including locked and open files. This is made possible by using Microsoft's Volume Shadow Services (VSS).

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