貝聿銘逝世/外媒收錄經典名言 他曾說:最美的建築是建築在時間上



建築界泰斗貝聿銘(I.M. Pei)16日晚間辭世,享蒿壽102歲。他的一生傳奇,被稱爲「文化縫隙中優雅的擺渡者」,靈活運用玻璃混凝土材料,透過光線變化呈現生命力與創造力,注重自然元素以及幾何概念。Goodreads網站外媒Inc.雜誌整理出他的經典名言

1.「別再爲已然錯失機會憂心了,開始尋找全新的機會吧」(Stop worrying about missed opportunities and start looking for new ones.)

2.「傑出的藝術家須有傑出的客戶」(Great artists need great clients.)

3.「生活就是建築,建築是生活的鏡子」(Life is architecture and architecture is the mirror of life.)


4.「成功是已解決問題的積累」(Success is a collection of problems solved.)

5.「建築不是個體行爲。你必須考慮到你的客戶。只有這樣你纔可以創造出偉大的建築。」(It is not an individual act, architecture. You have to consider your client. Only out of that can you produce great architecture.)

6.「我想把社區最好的一面呈現出來,並做出擁有永久價值貢獻」(I want to bring out the best in a community and contribute something of permanent value.)

7.「如果你不知道自己爲什麼而設計,你就無法捍衛你的作品」(You cannot defend your design without knowing what you're designing for.)


8.「建築就是生命的鏡子。你只需要看着那些建築物就能感受到過去,感受一個地方靈魂,它們就是社會倒影。」(Architecture is the very mirror of life. You only have to cast your eyes on buildings to feel the presence of the past, the spirit of a place; they are the reflection of society.)

9.「我相信建築是一種實用藝術。要成爲藝術,它必須建立在必要性的基礎上」(I believe that architecture is a pragmatic art. To become art it must be built on a foundation of necessity.)

10.「我知道時代變了,我們成長了。但我不想忘記開端。一棟耐久的建築物必須要有根基」(I understand that time has changed, we have evolved. But I don’t want to forget the beginning. A lasting architecture has to have roots.)

►►貝聿銘逝世/「讓光線來作設計」精彩鉅作回顧 訴說建築泰斗現代主義

►►華裔建築大師貝聿銘過世享嵩壽102歲 羅浮宮玻璃金字塔出自他手

►►貝聿銘逝世/父親要兒學習金融 他卻愛上好萊塢電影堅持建築路

▼ 卡達杜哈伊斯蘭藝術博物館。(圖/路透)