川普還在做總統夢!1hr連發6文 狂批:這是「失竊的選舉」






據悉,川普的女婿白宮高階顧問庫許納(Jared Kushner)在就在川普發表完「離總統大選結束還早」聲明後,針對敗選一事,與川普進行接觸,成敗違和則不得而知,但從川普這一連串貼文觀察,似乎還沒放棄這次的選戰。

“We should look at the votes. We’re just beginning the tabulation stage. We should look at these allegations. We’re seeing a number of affidavits that there has been voter fraud. We have a history in this country of election problems. In Pennsylvania you had an order by a...

“We believe these people are thieves. The big city machines are corrupt. This was a stolen election. Best pollster in Britain wrote this morning that this clearly was a stolen election, that it’s impossible to imagine that Biden outran Obama in some of these states.
