德州小飛機「高空引擎故障」轉降失敗墜毀 機上3人全罹難

A wrecked Piper Comanche airplane rests on the 600 block of Rhapsody after it crashed, killing three people, on approach to San Antonio International Airport on Sunday night, Dec. 1, 2019. @ExpressNews #SanAntonio pic.twitter.com/NZBPd1H1Uv


美國德州聖安東尼奧國際機場(San Antonio International Airport)1日晚間驚傳墜機事故,該架小型飛機舒格蘭(Sugarland)起飛後,原定飛往伯爾尼(Boerne),但在飛行途中出現引擎故障,決定緊急轉降聖安東尼奧國際機場。只不過,該架飛機最終不幸墜毀於機場北側一處人行道機上3人全數罹難。


根據FlightAware數據顯示,該架小型飛機的機型爲派珀PA24-250(Piper PA-24-250),是一架4人座的固定機翼單引擎飛機。

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San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood confirms all three passengers have died after a single-engine airplane crashed on West Rhapsody. Took off from Sugarland and was headed for Boerne when it experienced engine trouble and tried to divert to San Antonio International Airport. pic.twitter.com/r8kXrsmnDO