
2010: My English Year!


1. You were considerable to take care of the business while I was off. (我請假時你代理我的業務,真的是很周到)

2. I'm losing my mind. (我記憶越來越差了)

3. I need you to help me up. (我需要你幫忙)

4. How do you feel about me? (你覺得我表現如何?)

5. Look, there is a bird on the tree. (你看,樹上有隻鳥)

6. Please do the following steps. (請按以下步驟進行。)

7. I will need an hour to wrap it up. (還要一小時才能完成。)

8.This medicine makes miracles. (那藥有神效)

9.The ordered goods have not arrived. (我們訂的東西還沒到。)


1. It was considerate of you to take care of the business while I was off.

considerable的意思數量很多、或塊頭很大(great in amount or size),而considerate纔是體貼的、考慮周詳的,可以用來形容人或行爲。像a considerate person, act, attitude。例如She's considerate towards her employees. 她很體諒員工

2. My memory is getting worse.

"Lose one's mind" 並不是指記憶變差,是「瘋了、失去理智」的意思。

3. I need you to help me out.

"Help someone up"是人跌倒時,你扶他一把,"help out"纔是幫忙。

4. How do you think of my performance?

"feel"會讓人誤解,以爲是男女之間喜不喜歡對方的那種感覺,如果你要問一個人對某事情的「感覺」,應該用"think of" 。

5. Look, there is a bird in the tree.

英語中,只有「長」在樹上的東西才用on,例如:There are lots of apples on the tree;其餘均用介詞 in,例如:The primitive built houses in the tree(原始人在樹上建房子)。

6. Please go through the following steps.

我們並不會「做」以下步驟,而是循以下步驟完成。搭配動詞用go through

7. It will take me an hour to wrap it up.


8.This medicine works miracles

Work miracles是固定搭配,意思是創造奇蹟,也可以用work a cure,相對地,如果是製造災難,就用work mischief.

9.The goods ordered have not arrived.

這句話原來是The goods (which were) ordered have not arrived yet. 把子句的which were省略,所以成了The goods ordered have not arrived.
