Explore Kaohsiung's Nighttime Charm

【◎Written by Li Guei-sian ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Liou Yuan-jing, Huang Jing-wun】

After nightfall, the port city of Kaohsiung transforms into a vibrant metropolis. The Kaohsiung Light Rail (LRT) is surrounded by shimmering waterfront scenery that presents stunning views of the city. Take out your camera quickly to capture the impressive charm radiated by the nighttime Kaohsiung!

Kaohsiung Port Cruise Terminal(高雄港旅運中心)

Under a canopy of blue dynamic lights, the whale-shaped Kaohsiung Port Cruise Terminal shimmers like a night fairy making its way toward the sea. Stroll along the outdoor seaside promenade and the Haiyun Art Plaza(海韻藝術廣場), feel the gentle sea breeze, and appreciate up-close the unique 3D curved metal curtain, as if walking into a futuristic light display. The center blends seamlessly and harmonizes with the nearby China Steel Corporation Building(中鋼大樓)and the Kaohsiung Music Center.

Kaohsiung Music Center(高雄流行音樂中心)

Crafted with ocean-inspired imagery and music elements, this world-class music and cultural landmark dazzles when night falls, as the building's main structure is illuminated by lights, creating a sparkling spectacle. Beyond music performances, the center boasts stunning harbor views, cultural-creative and design elements, as well as bazaars, creating a new leisure and tourism destination in Kaohsiung.

Great Harbor Bridge(大港橋)

Enjoy a leisurely stroll in the evening breeze to the Great Harbor Bridge, a striking white landmark located within an older part of the harbor. Focused lighting highlights the bridge's sleek, curved lines, and mast-like shape, making it a mesmerizing sight. From the bridge, the dazzling lights of Pier-2 Art Center(駁二藝術特區)and the KW2 complex(棧貳庫)create a sparkling scene reminiscent of two galaxies, presenting a dreamlike spectacle.

Sky Balcony of Railway Cultural Park(鐵道園區天空雲臺)

Hamasen Railway Cultural Park in Gushan District features a bright red arch bridge that spans over the greenery. Visitors can stand on a terrace to gain a second-floor overview, or sip cocktails paired with snacks and enjoy the streets and the nighttime vista. At night, flowing car lights twinkle and flicker, presenting a hazy scene contrasting with the tranquility of daytime.

Kaohsiung Port Cruise Terminal(高雄港旅運中心)

Directions: Take the LRT to Cruise Terminal Station (C9) and walk for about one minute.

1F Outdoor Space:

Open 24 hours (except during cruise ship operations).

3F Haiyun Art Plaza:

Monday to Friday 10 am-9 pm, Saturday to Sunday 9:30 am-9pm (last entry at 8:30pm).

Kaohsiung Music Center(高雄流行音樂中心)

Directions: Take the LRT to Love Pier Station (C11) and walk for about three minutes.

Kaohsiung Music Center

Great Harbor Bridge (大港橋)

Directions: Take the LRT to Dayi Pier-2 Station (C12), which is right beside the northern end of the bridge.

Great Harbor Bridge

Sky Balcony of Railway Cultural Park (鐵道園區天空雲臺)

Directions: Take the LRT to Hamasen Station (C14) or Shoushan Park (ALIEN Art Centre) Station (C15) and walk for about four minutes.

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