老布希驟逝 川普夫婦哀悼:爲美國繁榮奠下基礎的偉大領袖


美國總統老布希(George H. W. Bush)驚傳逝世,享壽94歲。美國總統川普也在1日發表聲明,哀悼老布希。川普表示,老布希總統爲任後數十年的美國奠定了繁榮的基礎,卻仍然保持謙遜,給他帶來明確的方向感。川普也提到,老布希是一個好榜樣,即便他已經離世,但仍然會持續的激勵美國人民追求更偉大的事業


▲美國總統川普(Donald Trump)。(圖/路透社


老布希出生於1924年6月12日,於1989到1993年間擔任美國第41屆總統,任內經歷蘇聯解體、冷戰結束。他最著名的政績之一是「第一次波斯灣戰爭」,當時背景是伊拉克總統海珊(Saddam Hussein)入侵鄰國科威特,更威脅要掌握全球石油資源,而老布希卻能運用聯合國和美國30聯軍的資源,成功擊敗伊拉克。

老布希組織以美國爲首的聯軍,在100小時的「沙漠風暴行動」(Operation Desert Storm)讓科威特重獲自由,並對伊拉克實施經濟制裁,確定美國在世界上具有監督責任的警察地位;而他在國內支持率也因此飆升至91%,成爲蓋洛普(Gallup)民調紀錄上支持率最高的美國總統,他雖然僅作一任總統,但在美國史上極具歷史重要性意義

▲ 美國前總統老布希逝世,享壽94歲。(圖/路透社)


Melania and I join with a grieving Nation to mourn the loss of former President George H.W. Bush, who passed away last night.

Through his essential authenticity, disarming wit, and unwavering commitment to faith, family, and country, President Bush inspired generations of his fellow Americans to public service—to be, in his words, “a thousand points of light” illuminating the greatness, hope, and opportunity of America to the world.

President Bush always found a way to set the bar higher. As a young man, he captained the Yale baseball team, and then went on to serve as the youngest aviator in the United States Navy during the Second World War. Later in life, he rose to the pinnacle of American politics as a Congressman from Texas, envoy to China, Director of Central Intelligence, Vice President of eight years to President Ronald Reagan, and finally President of the United States.

With sound judgement, common sense, and unflappable leadership, President Bush guided our Nation, and the world, to a peaceful and victorious conclusion of the Cold War. As President, he set the stage for the decades of prosperity that have followed. And through all that he accomplished, he remained humble, following the quiet call to service that gave him a clear sense of direction.

Along with his full life of service to country, we will remember President Bush for his devotion to family—especially the love of his life, Barbara. His example lives on, and will continue to stir future Americans to pursue a greater cause. Our hearts ache with his loss, and we, with the American people, send our prayers to the entire Bush family, as we honor the life and legacy of 41.

Statement from President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump on the Passing of Former President George H.W. Bush pic.twitter.com/qxPsp4Ggs7