
Is a sad news as we lost our great hero in attack on Saturday morning .Wello love you till death,Gen. Brent Taylor. pic.twitter.com/HOWUmCBmyo


美國猶他州的北奧格登(North Ogden)市長泰勒(Brent Taylor)是現役國民兵,他4日在阿富汗喀布爾疑似遭到「內部攻擊」,不幸在執勤中喪命。這已經是這3周內第3起友軍攻擊美軍的事件,但目前仍沒有人出面承認犯案


北約發言人理查森(Debra Richardson)認爲,槍手很可能是阿富汗安全部隊成員,但並沒有公佈成員的身分事發位置。美國官員指出,確切地點是在喀布爾的一個美國特種部隊中心,這裡被用來首都和鄰近省分軍隊集結地

Major Brent Taylor’s last message to me was: “Going great over here. Can’t wait to be home in a few months.” I can’t believe we have lost this incredible husband, father, mayor, patriot, and friend. #utpol #hero pic.twitter.com/BpVEeVfA9A

該州的副州長考克斯(Spencer Cox)在Twitter哀悼,「我很喜愛泰勒市長,還有他的妻子珍妮(Jennie)及7個很棒的孩子,今日猶他州都爲他們哭泣。」

This is Mayor Taylor’s last FB post. Here’s how to honor him:“As the USA gets ready to vote, I hope everyone back home exercises their right to vote. We have far more as Americans that unites us than divides us. United we stand, divided we fall. God Bless America.