排5小時!鼎泰豐倫敦首間店開幕 饕客:小籠包外皮輕、湯汁濃

Walked past Din Tai Fung on its opening night in London. Not sure about a 5 hour queue but there certainly was a long queue at 8pm! Good job we had a reservation across the road Will have to check it out another time... pic.twitter.com/TWBN79uYmS


臺灣連鎖餐飲品牌泰豐英國倫敦芬園(Covent Garden)開幕新分店,吸引大批人潮排隊,據《彭博》報導,由於不提供預約,尖峰時段最多得排4至5小時才能入座。該報記者在非尖峰時段、週四下午4時30分候位,等了數分鐘就能吃到招牌小籠包豬肉蒸餃。他形容,「外皮輕如羽毛,內餡湯汁風味濃厚。」

Congratulations to #Taiwan's world-famous #DinTaiFung for opening their 1st #UK branch in London, bringing the best of Taiwanese cuisine to Britain. We welcome all Londoners to get a taste of our culture, including Taiwan's delicious soup dumplings! pic.twitter.com/RxuovRDHcg

報導指出,倫敦的鼎泰豐是該品牌在歐洲的第一家分店所在地,由臺灣鼎泰豐和新加坡餐飲企業麪包新語」(BreadTalk)合資。麪包新語創辦人郭明忠表示,英國有開設20家分店的潛能。鼎泰豐5日爲這家分店舉行開幕儀式,前英國外相強生(Boris Johnson)到場體驗自制招牌的18褶小籠包。

這間位於柯芬園的分店是地上一層、地下一層的兩層結構,可容納約250名顧客,也設置了透明櫥窗廚房。據Eater London 報導,鼎泰豐去年就計劃在倫敦託登罕宮路(Tottenham Court Road)上的中間點大樓(Centre Point)開設另一家分店。這棟34層樓的大樓將規劃新的餐飲空間,鼎泰豐可能會成爲其中一個商家實際開幕的日期還未公開。

▼ 鼎泰豐在海外大受歡迎,在美國、新加坡、澳洲等地均開設分店。(示意圖達志影像美聯社

#Taiwanese restaurant chain Din Tai Fung will open its first European location in London’s Covent Garden tomorrow. We welcome DFT to London to join the 180+ Taiwanese businesses investing in the UK. #InvestinGreat pic.twitter.com/8wtIJfuEDu