三大英文面試常見問題 掌握回答關鍵預備外商求職




問題一:So, tell me about yourself. (你先簡單的自我介紹一下吧。)

透過自我介紹,主管不僅希望能瞭解你的個人背景,也希望從中發掘你是否能很有邏輯及架構陳述資訊,同時突顯你的能力經歷優勢。因此建議求職者以正面的自我欣賞(self-complimentary)語句來描述個人的背景來歷。不需要用太多形容詞來稱讚自己,因爲actions speak louder than words(坐而言不如起而行)。直接帶入重點,用一到兩句話說明自己的相關經歷。

Sure. My name is XXX. You can just call me by my English name, Alisa.



I have always enjoyed working with people and being engaged in problem solving.



I was fortunate enough to go to one of the prestigious universities in the world, that is University of Pennsylvania, to gain my master\'s degree in TESOL, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. There I had the opportunities to work with a large variety of students from K-12 level to post-doc level and from immigrants to international scholars and businesspeople.


介紹學歷與經歷背景時,使用self-complimentary 的敘事方式突顯自己,讓經驗幫你的能力加分。

My exposure to teaching and developing English materials for professionals in all aspect of language skills has given me a well-rounded background. I\'m particularly interested in developing course materials and doing teacher training and that was what excited me when I saw the employment opportunity that you offered. I would love to be able to contribute my skills, knowledge and experiences and to grow with the program.



問題二:What is your weakness? (談談你的缺點是什麼?)



Well, my attention to details rather than the big picture sometimes irritates my co-workers.



My boss once asked me to make a stand-up poster for a newly released product.



I was happy to help promote the new product and insisted on learning inside out of the product specs, functions and marketing strategies in order to design the best stand-up poster that stands out the product advantages.



I ended up spending three whole days on the task and delayed other projects. I\'ve learned from this that I need to take a more balanced approach at work. After all, perfection is good, but not at the expense of other more important work.



問題三:Why should we hire you rather than your classmates or someone else?(請告訴我爲什麼我應該僱用你,而不是你的同學或其他人呢?)


I understand that the company is planning on expanding the market. What I can offer is detailed technical knowledge and strong application ability.



I can make specific and immediate contribution in shop planning and the related financial analysis. Here are some of the planning and events I initiated while I was helping my previous company expand new stores.



Besides, I have three years sales experience. I know how to train the staff to increase target audience and deal with difficult consumers. These are what make me different and special from other candidates.


使用「+1」技巧, 除了以上提到的經驗之外,再提一個加分的能力。

文/Alisa Tu、整理/謝維容