受困冰冷河牀…小比特獲救「凍到狂發抖」 女警收編當新媽

小狗不斷髮抖。(圖/翻攝自Daytona Beach Police Department粉絲專頁


美國東部1月遭「炸彈氣旋」侵襲,天氣非常寒冷。佛州戴通納海灘(Daytona Beach)警方就從冰凍河牀中救出一隻受困的小比特犬,並取名叫「芮芙」(River)。這隻幸運的小狗不僅健康無礙,更在近日被女警凱拉(Kera Cantrell)領養,有了新家新媽媽。

臉書粉絲專頁「Daytona Beach Police Department」近日釋出芮芙剛獲救時的影片,只見牠四腳朝天躺在警察腿上,小手小腳不斷髮抖,一邊發出無助的嗚嗚叫聲。戴通納海灘警局(DBPD)表示,動物警察詹姆斯(James Lee)和約翰(John Pearson)在一座橋下救出芮芙,當時氣溫嚴寒,小狗幾近死亡,員警趕緊將牠抱上警車,用毛巾擦乾包裹起來,並送往獸醫院所幸檢查後並無大礙

▲凱拉決定領養小狗。(圖/翻攝自Daytona Beach Police Department粉絲專頁)


For the last couple of weeks we've been telling you about River the Frozen Puppy. As you know her story ended happily; she is safe and sound and very loved in the home of one of our police officers. But we wanted to share the moment after River was found and then rescued by our wonderful animal control officers John Pearson and James Lee. And we really want to thank the person, whoever you are, who called and let DBPD know that River had been left to die under the Seabreeze Bridge in mid-January when the temperature had fallen to below freezing.