《我最愛的中華寶貝》第57集 Dino & Nini:我在新西蘭很想你

由中共上海市委對外宣傳辦公室、上海市文化和旅遊局、上海廣播電視臺融媒體中心(SMG NEWS)聯合發起,2023“愛上海的理由”青少年英語短視頻徵集展播活動以“我最愛的中華寶貝”爲題,誠邀全球新生代用向上的風貌、良好的英語表達和創意的鏡頭語言展現青少年眼中具有當代價值和世界意義的中華優秀傳統文化。幼時的中國行,對新西蘭的Dino和Nini來說親切又新奇。無論是雄壯威武的兵馬俑,爽滑勁道的拉麪,還是熱情歡樂的廣場舞,都讓他們念念不忘。在這一集裡,Dino和Nini想對中國,特別是媽媽的故鄉上海說一句,我們在新西蘭很想你。










Dino & Nini:謝謝,再見!

My Favorite Chinese Treasures EP57|Dino Walton & Nini Walton: Miss You All the Way from New Zealand #MyFavoriteChineseTreasures #MyFavoriteShanghaiSeason4 #shortvideoshowcase #vlog #springfestival

[Spring Festival Greetings]

I'm Dino. I’m Nini. We’re from New Zealand. Happy Chinese New Year.

Presented by Dino Walton and Nini Walton

Dino: Hello, my name is Dino.

Nini: Hello, my name is Nini.

Dino: When I was six years old, I visited Xi’an in China. That’s where I encountered the Terracotta Army, and it totally blew my mind. Imagine this: clay soldiers frozen in time, guarding their ancient emperor. Those clay statures are like incredibly detailed action figures that show how creative people were back then.

Nini: For me, the treasure in China is the food. I remember when I was around 4, we were in the busy street markets in Xi’an. I was watching someone make noodles and it was really cool the way they were stretching them and pulling them to make the shape of the noodles. I was so amazed that I didn't realize my parents have walked away without me. Long story short, they found me.

My mom teaches us how to make sweet treats like mooncake and rice dumpling. She also teaches us how to make wontons and baozi (steamed bun).

One thing I’ve learned is that Chinese food isn’t just about the taste, it’s about the stories and traditions behind each dish.

Dino: I hope to visit China some time against soon, and explore more of its treasures.

Nini: I can’t wait to go back to Shanghai, my mom’s hometown.

Dino & Nini: Thank you, bye!