【新聞多益】福島核廢水將入海 「排放」英文怎麼說?

新聞多益福島廢水入海 「排放」英文怎麼說?(示意圖/達志影像)



Japan has approved a plan to release more than one million tonnes of contaminated water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea. (bbc.com 4/13)


在此廢水的「排放」可用release (v)。release可以當動詞也可以當名詞使用,而且在不同的情境有不同的意思。在多益測驗中常看到以下這些情況:


(動詞)The updated model of the product is scheduled to be released in September.


(名詞)How do you usually find out about new movie releases?



The company has released further details regarding the merger.


In the news release, the company stated that the earthquake yesterday caused an extensive damage to their production facilities.


news release或是press release就是「新聞稿」。在很多新聞裡,release更是常用在人的「釋放」,如:

During the negotiation, the terrorist group promised to release the hostages they held for more than three years.


「釋放」廢水除了使用release外,也可以用discharge (v)「排放、排除」或是dump (v)、dispose (v)「丟棄」。

The factory was accused of dumping toxic chemical waste into the nearby river.


福島的核廢水中含有被有毒物質tritium(氚)污染的水,一般大家可用pollute (v)或者是contaminate (v),而tritium在這裡也就是一種pollutant或contaminant (n)「污染物質」。

The drinking water was contaminated with lead leaked from the city’s aging pipes.



通常我們飲用的水都在污水處理廠中先「處理」過,也就是除去污染物質(pollutants)。這裡「處理」不能用handle或是deal with,要用treat (v),因此「污水處理廠」可稱爲water treatment plant,而一般生活中的污水常用sewage這個字,sewage system「污水排放系統」。根據報導,日本政府宣稱在覈廢水排出前會經過處理,使污染物質含量符合國際標準

The water will be treated and diluted so radiation levels are below those set for drinking water. (bbc.com, 4/13)


treat (v)、treatment (n)除了「處理」外,還常在多益裡看到的另外兩個意思:


John is currently receiving treatment for his illness.



Parents should treat their children equally.


●款待、請客,通常用treat (someone) to (something)

Let me treat you to a drink or two.


(It’s) my treat!


這裡treat是用做名詞,大家可以聯想到萬聖節時我們也會用「trick or treat!」的類似用法

日本宣稱已經沒有儲存受氚污染的廢水的空間,而福島核能電廠也進行關閉,因此處理廢水是無法避免。在這個報導裡,核電廠的「關閉」或如同臺灣提及核一廠除役」時都用了decommission (v),因此報導裡常會提及decommissioning project「除役計劃」,核廢的處理等都是除役計劃的重要一環。

"Disposing of the treated water is an unavoidable issue for decommissioning the Fukushima Daiichi plant," said Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga during the cabinet meeting, after the officials had finalized the decision.

(www.smithsonianmag.com, 4/14)


在多益測驗中較常看到decommission的相反字commission (v)「(正式地)委託/安排……做」。

Commissioned by Far Eastern Group, the EcoArk was constructed using 1.5 million PET bottles to raise people’s awareness about recycling.




1. The building manager has posted rules on garbage __________.

(A) dispose

(B) disposition

(C) disposals

(D) decomposition

2. The investigation reports showed that several plants __________ toxic water into rivers.

(A) has discharged

(B) have been discharging

(C) were discharged

(D) have been discharged


1. 正解爲(C)。本題單字詞性字義題,須選擇符合題意大廈管理員已經公佈垃圾______的規定。」空格部分應該選擇名詞而且字義能和garbage相結合的字,因此正確答案爲(C)處理。(A)爲動詞,(B)傾向;性格,(D)分解。

2. 正解爲(B)。本題爲文法題,主詞爲工廠,因此「主動」排放廢水,要使用主動式,(C)、(D)都是被動式,(A)要配合單數主詞,因此正確答案爲(B)。題意爲「調查報告顯示有些工廠將有毒的廢水排入河流中。」
