
憑藉着她劃時代的傳奇造型英國女王伊莉莎白二世毫無疑問地是一個時尚指標。年輕時的伊莉莎白公主,身穿典型 30、40 年代的茶歇裙以及百褶連衣裙,晚間則轉換爲裙裝宴會禮服以示隆重莊嚴。1947年時,她的結婚禮服與其未來的女王身份相襯──禮服出自高訂設計師 Norman Hartwell 之手,精緻的高級珍珠水晶刺繡特色,還有一個戲劇化高達15 呎長的拖地裙尾。

With her legacy of era-defining looks, Queen Elizabeth II is indisputably a style icon. As a young princess, the royal wore floral tea dresses and pleated frocks typical of the 1930s and 1940s, graduating to skirt suits and ball gowns as she stepped up to stately dressing. In 1947, she married in a dress fit for a future queen – designed by couturier Norman Hartwell, it featured delicate pearl and crystal embroidery and a dramatic 15ft-long train.1952 年從已故父親繼任王位後,Hartwell 便成爲她的御用裁縫師之一,爲女王打造優雅薄紗禮服,以赴國宴海外接待歡迎會。而她的日常穿着,則由女王欽點的設計師 Hardy Amies 打理(直到 1989 年);女帽頭飾商 Freddie Fox 則列名負責爲女王打造一系列御帽,直到 2002 年退休。

Hartwell became one of her official dressmakers when she succeeded her father to the throne in 1952, keeping the Queen in elegant tulle gowns for state banquets and receptions overseas. For her day-to-day wardrobe, the Queen enlisted designer Hardy Amies (until 1989); while milliner Freddie Fox was among those entrusted with creating her vast array of hats, until his retirement in 2002.

▲(Photo by Camera Press / Baron)

現在改由裁縫師Stewart Parvin與 Angela Kelly 爲英女王設計繽紛裙裝,根據媳婦 Sophie,即 Wessex 伯爵夫人透露,這是爲了讓羣衆們能夠看見她。伴隨着英國女王的明亮套裝,近50年來,女王的標誌性 Launer 手提包和 Anello & Davide 平底鞋也鮮少缺席

Today, the monarch turns to dressmakers Stewart Parvin and Angela Kelly for her colourful skirt suits, which, according to daughter-in-law Sophie, the Countess of Wessex, she wears to ensure crowds can see her. As well as her bright ensembles, the Queen is rarely without her trademark Launer handbag and Anello & Davide loafers, which she has worn for the last 50 years.

(Photos by Getty Images)閒暇時刻,在巴爾莫勒爾與桑德靈厄姆莊園內,經常可以看到英國女王身着粗花呢和標誌性的印花頭巾──去年聖誕節出訪諾福克時她就曾秀出的Burberry設計單品,足以證明女王百分百是時尚潮流締造者。爲慶祝她的 93 歲生日, Vogue 帶你回顧英國女王過去九十多年的造型穿搭

(點此看圖輯)▶When off-duty at the Balmoral and Sandringham estates, she’s is often seen in tweed and her signature printed headscarves – the Burberry design she wore while travelling to Norfolk last Christmas proves she’s 100 per cent the fashion trendsetter.To celebrate her 93rd birthday, Vogue looks back at the Queen’s style highlights from the last nine decades. ( Click here to see the photo gallery ▶)

文字:Emily Chan | 編輯:Vav | 圖片:Getty Images, Shutterstock | 來源:CNI |



英國女王就是你的老闆一覽皇室 10 個高薪工作職位
