英國外交大臣祝賀蔡英文 盼臺灣與中國化解歧見



2016總統大選落幕,民進黨主席蔡英文以689萬票,成爲臺灣首位女總統,立委選戰也取得民進黨單獨過半,首次達成綠營完全執政。對此,英國外交大臣哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)也表達祝賀,「期盼臺灣與中國政府持續透過對話,化解歧見」。



英國外交大臣哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)祝賀聲明原文:Statement from the UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond:

"The Presidential and legislative elections held in Taiwan today are testament to Taiwan’s thriving democracy. I offer my warm congratulations to the people of Taiwan on the smooth and mature conduct of those elections and to Dr Tsai Ing-wen and her party for having won their support. I hope that Taiwan and the Chinese Government will continue their dialogue to resolve differences and maintain the recent trend of constructive relations."








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