【英語多益通】不認識這5個單字 小心被機器人取代


科幻電影中,人類未來的生活裡環繞着會說話、會走路做事的機器人;但是依當前局勢來看,這個「未來」近在眼前。首先,谷歌公司(Google)2016年將要讓無人駕駛車(driverless car)全面上路;亞馬遜公司(Amazon)已經蓄勢待發地要用無人飛機(drone)遞送網購商品;未來學專家(futurologist)大膽預測:2025年之前,也就是10年之後,甚至連醫師、律師、會計師這種白領階級(white-collar)的工作,也將由人工智慧取代;首當其衝、將大幅改變產業型態的會是醫療、運輸、物流業


1. drone(無人飛機)雖然Google 的無人駕駛車是driverless car,但是在戰場上出鋒頭、Amazon 即將用來爲網購送貨的「無人飛機」,一般都稱之爲drone。此字讀作[dron],它源自英美空軍對於靶機的俗稱。

例句:Amazon has formally asked regulators permission to test its delivery drones in outdoor areas near Seattle.(亞馬遜公司已正式要求監管機構准許在西雅圖戶外地區測試送貨的無人飛機。)

2. A.I.與A.R.(人工智慧與擴增實境)A.I.是指「人工智慧」, 全名是Artificial Intelligence,此artificial(人造的、人工的)可是多益測驗核心字彙

A.I.已流行多年,而現今最紅火、與機器人有關的是A.R.,它的全名是Augmented Reality,一般稱之爲「擴增實境」。augment是動詞,有「擴大、增加」之意。

3. 3D printing(3D立體列印)3D是指「立體」的,這個D是dimensions,指長、寬、高的空間維度

例句:The construction companies find 3D printing technology will improve the process of their production.(建築公司發現,3D列印技術將改善他們的產品製程。)

4. robot(機器人)robot讀作[ˋrobʌt],它的形容詞是robotic,指「機器人的」或「自動的」。此外,robotics這個字也很夯,指與機器人有關的科學或技術。提到機器人就一定會提到「自動化」,即automation;而形容詞「自動的」則是automatic。

5. white-collar(白領階級的)white-collar是用來形容職場上運用腦力的管理階層,與其相對的是「藍領階級的」blue-collar。機器人取代藍領階級已行之數十年,但是未來機器人將取代運用腦力的白領階級,成爲「白領機器人」。

例句:A report predicts that robots could entirely replace white-collar jobs by 2035.(一份報告指出:2035年以前,機器人可能全面取代白領工作。)

我們來看2014年11月底,在莫斯科舉行的機器人商業博覽會(ROBOTICS EXPO)是如何介紹的:

27-29 NOVEMBER 2014    MOSCOW

Lately the world of robotics has undergone some major changes: the emergence of 3D printing, AR-technology, cheaper components, etc.Hundreds of thousands of programmers are currently developing the applications for robots. If you do it more actively right now, there is a good chance for you to become a global leader.

EXBITION SECTIONS:‧Personal robots. Robotic assistant, robot friend, robot that will help you be in two places at once, can become a nanny for children or a nurse for the elderly.‧Industrial Robotics - one of the most promising areas in Russia. Super technologies and super machines that create other machines - it must be seen!‧Drone Zone. Do not be surprised when in a week you will order a pizza and it will be delivered by the drone. After all, soon drones deprive some couriers, as well as security guards, construction workers and others of their work.‧Consumer Robotics. It has long been no point in wasting time in cleaning or money to pay the maid. Robotic vacuum cleaners, robotic lawn mower, robots for cleaning windows or pools – all they are great assistants that can make us free from the routine of unnecessary work.See for yourself at Robotics Expo!

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!Contact us: client@smile-expo.com, +7 459 202-11-28



展場區域:‧ 個人機器人―機器人助理、機器人朋友,可以在兩方面幫助你的機器人,是孩子們的保母或是照顧老人的護士。‧ 產業機器人―俄羅斯最有前途的領域之一。能夠製造出其他機器的超級技術與機具。你一定要看!‧ 無人飛機區―一週後,當你點了pizza,而且是由無人飛機外送時,不要驚訝。很快地,無人飛機將會奪走一些郵差的工作,還有保全警衛建築工人,以及其他人的工作。‧ 消費型機器人―沒必要花時間金錢在清理工作上。機器人吸塵器、機器人除草機、清理窗戶池子的機器人―它們都是我們的好幫手,可以使我們免除不必要的例行工作。來親身體驗喲!

我們期待您參加這即將到來的活動!聯絡我們:client@smile-expo.com,+7 459 202-11-28


Questions 1-3 refer to the advertisement.1.What is the main purpose of the information?(A) To present figures on robot sales.(B) To promote the application of a technology.(C) To explain technologies in robots.(D) To provide directions to an exhibition.

2.What difference is NOT mentioned in the developmentof robots?(A) Software programs.(B) The appearance of 3D printing.(C) The technology of AR.(D) Relatively inexpensive components.

3.Which section will display the new way for delivery?(A) Personal robots.(B) Industrial robotics.(C) Drone zone.(D) Consumer robotics.


第二題的正確答案是(A)。題目是「在機器人發展的演變上,何者爲非?」,文章第一句即指出3D列印(3D printing)、擴增實境技術(AR-technology)以及較便宜的零組件(cheaper components)是主因。而答案(A)的軟體程式則未提及。

第三題的正確答案是(C)。在Drone Zone(無人飛機)的段落提到,未來訂pizza 都用drone送貨(...it will be delivered by the drone.)。要看懂這篇機器人博覽會的廣告,除了要略知諸如3D列印、無人飛機等專有名詞,也要熟悉多益測驗的核心字彙,如application(應用、運用)、deliver(遞送、交貨)、security(保全、安全)、routine(例行公事慣例),如此一來,才能毫無語言溝通障礙地大顯身手。
