

好萊塢知名喜劇演員羅賓威廉斯(Robin Williams)美國時間8月11日驚傳在家身亡。在好萊塢堪稱多產演員的他,曾奪得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎金球獎,著名作品有《春風化雨》、《窈窕奶爸》、《心靈捕手》、《博物館驚魂夜》等等。


As he is remembered, it is our hope the focus will not be on Robin’s death, but on the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions.


句中的the focus原是指「焦點」,但亦被用來指注意力或是活動中心重點、集中點。但是focus亦可以當動詞使用,指「使集中」或「(把…)集中(於)」,後面的介係詞要用on,所以是「focus on…」。

羅賓威廉斯是如此的出名,以致於他的過世帶來了無比的震驚。美國總統巴馬也發出聲明,盛讚羅賓威廉斯是醫生奶媽、總統、甚至是小飛俠彼得潘等等的各種角色,但是「他是獨一無二的」──「But he was one of a kind.」。句中的kind是「種類」、「類別」,他是這個類別型中絕無僅有的一個,所以one of a kind是「獨一無二的」。


Robin Williams passed away this morning. He has been battling severe depression of late. This is a tragic and sudden loss. The family respectfully asks for their privacy as they grieve during this very difficult time.


battle [ˋbæt!] (v. n.) 作戰;戰鬥depression [dɪˋprɛʃən] (n.) 憂鬱症;不景氣,蕭條privacy [ˋpraɪvəsɪ] (n.) 隱私;私生活

大導演史蒂芬史匹柏(Steven Spielberg)說:「Robin was a lightning storm of comic genius and our laughter was the thunder that sustained him.」(羅賓威廉斯是一個喜劇天才;他就像一個閃電交加的颶風,而我們的大笑聲就是使其持續下去的轟聲雷。)


Unlike traditional book publishers, P-Gram Books focuses ______ on producing audio books that can be downloaded from the Internet.(A) exclusively(B) exclusive(C) exclusives(D) exclusivity

解析本題的正確答案是(A)。本題在測試你「副詞修飾動詞」的觀念空格前後已出現了動詞focus on(專注於…),因此要選一個副詞,表示「唯一專注在…」(focus exclusively on)。字彙exclusive有「除外的、唯一的、獨有的」之意。值得一提的是,答案(B)的exclusive除了是形容詞之外,它亦可當名詞,指新聞裡的的「獨家報導」。



This morning, I lost my husband and my best friend, while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings. I am utterly heartbroken. On behalf of Robin’s family we are asking for privacy during our time of profound grief. As he is remembered, it is our hope the focus will not be on Robin’s death, but on the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions.
