
▲  諾曼第著名景玷之一:加特維爾燈塔。(圖/達志影像美聯社

文/羅伊伶 Janet Lo

今年6月6日是諾曼第登陸75週年(75th anniversary of D-Day),爲了紀念這場二戰的重要戰役美國600家戲院將重新放映經典二戰電影「搶救雷恩大兵」。這部由史蒂芬·史匹柏在1998年執導的電影不但榮獲當年奧斯卡最佳導演獎在內的5項大獎,全球總票房更高達4.8億美元。就讓我們從諾曼第登陸75週年,學會一些多益關鍵字吧!

史無前例的 unprecedented諾曼第戰役爲何如此重要,除了它是將歐洲納粹手中解放的重要戰役之外,也是迄今人類近代史上規模最大的一次海上登陸作戰

Soldiers have crossed the seas in ships for several thousand years to assail their enemies on foreign shores, but in terms of scale and intention, the amphibious assault on the Normandy coast was unprecedented.(數千年來軍人皆是乘船跨海攻擊在異國海岸上的敵人,不過論規模或意圖,諾曼第沿岸的兩棲襲擊可說是史無前例。)


precedent作爲名詞較形容詞型態常見且實用,像是我們提到「開先例」,就可以用set a precedent或create a precedent來描述,而「破例」的英文就是break (with) precedent。

I never allow my son to use his smartphone during mealtimes because I don't want to set a bad precedent.(我通常不準兒子在吃飯時間使用手機,因爲我不想開這個不良先例。)

The golf club has broken with precedent and elected a female president.(高爾夫球社打破前例推選出一位女社長。)

慶祝、紀念 commemorate/memorialize諾曼第戰役在一天內便造成數萬人死亡,然而它也是促使第二次世界大戰結束,讓歐洲重獲自由的戰役,因此每週年皆會舉辦活動歡慶這場值得紀念的事件

The 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings will be commemorated with military parades, firework displays, airdrops, giant picnics, concerts, and military camp re-enactments.(爲了慶祝諾曼地登陸75週年,將會有軍隊遊行、煙火表演、傘兵空投、大型野餐音樂會以及軍營重現等活動。)



Helen’s birthday is coming up and we’re planning to celebrate her birthday in the best steakhouse downtown.(海倫的生日快到了,我們正計劃要在市中心最棒的牛排館替她慶祝。)

另一個很接近commemorate用法的同義字爲memorialize,此字較着重於紀念重大事件與人物。將此字拆開後,前面的memorial是形容詞「紀念的」,例如Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall(國父紀念館)和228 Peace Memorial Day(二二八和平紀念日)都是用memorial這個字,memorial後面接上「-ize」字尾便成了紀念的動詞。

致敬 pay tribute to每年6月6日分別在法國、英國、美國及加拿大等地皆會舉行諾曼第登陸的週年紀念活動,不過最盛大的慶典及展覽絕對是在法國諾曼第。

Each year, thousands of people descend on Normandy in France to pay tribute to those who fought to liberate Europe and remember those who never returned.(每年都會有好幾千人涌入法國諾曼第,向曾對抗納粹解放歐洲的軍人及死者們致敬。)

tribute是敬意的名詞,同時也有讚頌及貢品的意思,原拉丁文字根「tribuere」有allot「分配」及pay「付款」等含意。此外,pay tribute to只能用在人身上,pay homage to someone爲其同義字,常用在成就非凡貢獻良多的人或是已逝世的偉人身上。

Tonight we gather here to pay tribute to one of the greatest actors of all time.(今晚我們凝聚在此向有史以來最厲害的演員致敬。)


Anyone who is interested in start-up companies is welcome to contribute and help us reach our goal.(任何對新創公司有興趣的人,歡迎提出貢獻幫我們一起達成目標。)

而distribute的「dis」有individually「個人地」之意,再搭配上tribute字根分配的意思,便成了分配、發放的動詞,例如在路上發送傳單(distribute flyers)和發送小手冊(distribute pamphlets)。

Working in coordination with the Human Resources Department, Payroll staff compute and distribute employee compensation accurately.(薪資專員人資部門密切合作以精準計算及分發員工的酬勞。)



NORMANDY D-DAY FESTIVAL 2019Every year since 2007, the Normandy D-Day Festival, organized by the tourist offices in Bayeux and several of the D-Day Landing Beaches, _____(1)_____ the triumphal arrival of the liberators. For this very special anniversary, an unprecedented _____(2)_____ of festive events will take place from 25 May to 16 June. Come and enjoy parachute landings, musical firework displays, picnics, parades, concerts and exhibitions!

1. (A) commemorates    (B) commemorating    (C) commemorated    (D) commemorative

2. (A) itinerary    (B) program    (C) reminder    (D) schedule


1. 正解爲(A)。從邀請函中可知道,the Normandy D-Day Festival(諾曼第登陸歡慶活動)爲此句的主詞,且前面提到Every year since 2007即自2007年的每一年皆會慶祝,因此必須使用現在式第三人稱單數的動詞,選項(B)爲現在分詞、(C)爲過去式、(D)爲形容詞,因此答案爲(A)commemorates第三人稱單數動詞。

2. 正解爲(B)。選項(A)爲「路線」、(C)爲「提醒」、(D)爲「時間表」,因此僅(B) 「節目表」符合句意。

