
▲ 美國總統大選由兩位爭議性話題性十足的總統候選人希拉蕊(左)和川普角逐。(左圖達志影像美聯社右圖路透社



傳統上,選舉結果出爐時,敗選的一方會接受敗選(concede)並恭賀(congratulate)對手,以及對選民支持者發表敗選感言(concession speech),如2008年麥肯(McCain)的談話

“… A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Senator Barack Obama to congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country that we both love… Senator Obama has achieved a great thing for himself and for his country. I applaud him for it …” (不久前,我很榮幸地能致電Obama參議員並恭賀他當選成爲我們所熱愛的國家的下一位總統。Obama參議員完成他自己本身和這個國家的一件偉大的成就。我對他這個成就極度讚許。)


1. concede當動詞用,可解釋爲「承認、接受」或「退讓、讓步」,這裡做「承認並接受」解釋。(名詞爲concession)

2. congratulate 人 on 事 注意介詞on後需接名詞或動名詞,也可用名詞形式來表達祝賀:congratulations to 人 on 事。口語上常用縮寫congrats來表達「恭喜!」。

3. achieve表「達成、完成」常用於achieve your goals。履歷表內有一欄「成就」,此時就可用名詞「achievement」來表達。

4. applaud動詞,可做「讚許、稱許」或「鼓掌」解釋。


舉例:Congratulations to you on your promotion to general manager. I know that you’ve worked hard for years and you are definitely the right person for the job. I’m certain that your company will benefit from your expertise as well as your experience. I wish you all the best in this new post.(恭喜你高升總經理一職!我知道你長久以來都很努力,你絕對是這個工作最適當的人選,我相信你的公司能從你的專業經驗獲益。祝你在新職萬事順利。)

* post (n.) 職位* benefit 解釋爲「獲益」,benefit from「從 _____ 獲益」。


1. on behalf of 代表(represent)On behalf of ___(company)__, I offer my congratulations on your recent appointment. (我代表某公司恭賀你出任新的職位)。

appoint意思爲「任命委任」,通常用被動形式be appointed ____(被任命職位)表現,其名詞爲「appointment」。

2. heartfelt形容詞,表示「誠摯的」。例句Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on your promotion.(請接受我們對你高升最誠摯的祝賀。)

promote有兩個重要的意思,一是推廣、促銷,另一是升職。例句The company uses social media to promote their products.(這個公司用社羣網站來推廣他們的產品。)Jane was promoted to sales manager three years ago.(三年前,Jane被提拔爲業務經理。)

promote的反義字爲demote(降職),而名詞promotion同樣是升職的意思,也可用advancement。例句:We were delighted to learn of your promotion / advancement.(我們很高興得知你的高升。)

相反的,若是當事人被解僱或是沒有拿到工作或某職位,我們則需要寫信鼓勵他,此時可寫一封簡單的letter of sympathy(安慰信)。

範例:I’m sorry to hear that you lost your position during this terrible recession. Things like this always happen and they are beyond our control. I’m sure that this is just a temporary setback. I believe that with your expertise and skills, you will be back in the saddle soon. Please let me know if you need any help.(很抱歉聽到你在經濟不景氣中失去了工作,像這樣的事總是會發生,而且這不是我們所能控制的。我相信這個挫敗事短暫的,以你的專業和技能,你應該會很快的找到工作。如果有任何需要幫忙,請讓我知道。)

* 多益常考單字1. recession 做「蕭條、衰退」解釋,動詞爲recede,同義字有downturn等。

2. temporary意思爲「短暫、臨時的」;反義字爲permanent「永久的」。

3. setback名詞,解釋爲「挫折」。

2. back in the saddle 爲片語,表示「又開始從事(之前暫停的事情)」。

小試身手:1. According to the latest news release, Mr. Lee _____________ the ambassador to Japan.(A)appoint(B)appointing(C)has been appointed(D)appointments


2. Philip was ______________ for his decision on reducing the cost and improving productivity.(A)appraised(B)appeased(C)appointed(D)applauded


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