中英文砲轟譚德塞 林昶佐:無恥至極!攻擊被你們打壓的國家










Director-General Tedros Adhanom Must Stop Attacking Taiwan and Shoulder Responsibility of Pandemic Response Failures

The WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom just few hours ago called a press conference in which he dodged questions on his repeatedly failed judgements on the COVID-19 (Wuhan Virus) Pandemic Response, yet launched attacks on Taiwan, saying “I can tell you personal attacks that have been going on for more than two, three months. Abuses, or racist comments, giving me names, black or Negro; And Taiwan, the Foreign Ministry also, they know the campaign. They didn’t disassociate themselves.” He even went on to frame it as “Taiwanese insulting the black community.”

In this shameful act of unprecedented proportions, Dr. Tedros Adhanom attacked a country who gave the earliest warning of a pandemic to the WHO, while shunning responsibility of failure to lead a swift response.

Taiwan has been shut out of many international organizations, including the WHO, due to pressure from China. Therefore we were unable to receive timely information from the international community and can’t contribute our share of knowhow. Nevertheless, we persisted through the pandemic, despite being close to the source of the virus, China. Meanwhile, with no support from international organizations, we acted alone in providing medical aids and supplies to the much needed countries.

Globally many countries maintain friendly and close relationships with Taiwan. Yet under enormous Chinese pressure, Taiwan’s formal diplomatic allies are mostly with Pacific Islands, Caribbean and African countries with a wide range of different ethnic backgrounds. Over the years Taiwan has been assisting with their developing difficulties in agriculture, public health and basic infrastructure. Taiwan has earned the respect and friendship of many local communities in our allied countries. This is well-known in the international societies, and leaves no room for Dr. Tedros Adhanom’s imaginary slander.

Since late last year, the WHO has been working with the Chinese government in downplaying the emerging crisis. Its series of false statements led many countries to misjudge the magnitude of the threats and caused a global pandemic, subjecting many asians to live in fear of discrimination around the world. The WHO and Chinese government are the real culprits of the racial conflicts.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom, stop using the attacks on Taiwan to divert attention away from what is the WHO’s responsibility of failed responses. Within the WHO, Taiwan, not being a member country, has no opportunity to speak up for itself, a situation not only unfair to Taiwan but also to the international community, and would only serve to plunge the WHO’s credibility. Dr. Tedros Adhanom, do something to combat the virus, not Taiwan!


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