Chapter 138: moment

Seeing such miraculous medical skills, has always looked down on the absence of a complete scientific system of traditional Chinese medicine, but also had to admire Ye Tao up, after all, after all, seeing for the real ear is false ah.

Today, when Ye Tao saw Ye Tao with just a few silver needles, he cured a person wandering on the edge of a serious illness, which made Esther know again what real traditional Chinese medicine was.

Ye Tao saw that the patient had been set up, and when he was just about to continue the game, Esther told Ye Tao that she had decided to give up the game. When he saw that ace had given up, the dean **iled with relief.

The dean went to Ye Tao and waved his arm and patted him and said, "Ye Tao, you can do it. Our future glorious moment of traditional Chinese medicine will depend on you."

Hearing that the dean praised himself so much, Ye Tao blushed. After all, the dean was an old man, and Ye Tao said modestly, "if you have said it, I have only learned some fur medicine."

When the dean saw that Ye Tao was so humble and not arrogant, and that the medical skills were so superb and noble, he decided to let Ye Tao attend the annual famous doctor exchange meeting.

You know, this meeting is not something that most people can go to, and there is only one place in this L city, that is, the president has the right to take one person to the meeting.

Ye Tao heard about the meeting when he was in college, and since then he has hoped to attend the famous doctor exchange and work hard as a goal in life.

And now there is such a good opportunity for him to attend the famous doctor exchange meeting, which makes Ye Tao excited, although ostensibly not very obvious, but the heart is cheering.

As soon as he heard that the dean was going to take him to the famous doctor exchange meeting, Ye Tao immediately agreed, and the president told Ye Tao that he was going to prepare the materials for the meeting.

Ye Tao happened to be going back to rest, and when he saw that the dean was also busy and was also ready to attend this so-called famous doctor exchange meeting, he said that if he saw Ye Tao again, he would walk out of the gate.

Sitting in the car, Ye Tao suddenly saw the flower shop by the side of the road. He wanted to buy some flowers for Oloi to deliver. Before he got to his destination, Ye Tao told the taxi driver to park the car. As soon as he saw Ye Tao parked next to the flower shop, the driver drank Ye Tao and joked.

"the young man is quite romantic, and he wants to buy flowers for his wife. It's okay, Uncle, when you buy it, I'm sending you back."

Seeing this kind driver master, Ye Tao hurriedly said thank you, and ran to the flower shop. As soon as he entered the flower shop, he asked, "excuse me, what kind of flowers do you have in your shop? I want to sell some to my girlfriend."

After a while, Ye Tao got into the taxi with a bunch of flowers in his arms. As soon as the driver saw Ye Tao coming back so soon, he couldn't take a nap, so he reached out and started the car.

As soon as Ye Tao saw that the driver was about to drive in his own direction, he immediately stopped the driver and said that his girlfriend Oloy was still at the company. As soon as he heard that it was a female Oloy, the driver talked to Ye Tao about the company without a tower.

"well, young man, how are you doing in the company? this is not a while working with that mysterious rich man to say that you can be the most famous co**etics company in the country."

Look at the driver master said that the front of the powerful live broadcast Ye Tao **iled and talked with the words of the driver master.

Just when the driver got out of the car to collect money, he saw Ye Tao's face, which made him find out if he was a little familiar with the face. This second thought reminded the driver that the young man was the mysterious rich man who had been broadcast on the air that day.

Just want to stop Ye Tao to verify, and Ye Tao has already got out of the car and almost walked to the door of the company.

As soon as the company looked at Ye Tao with a large bouquet of flowers, he went straight to Oloy's office. As soon as the others looked at Ye Tao, they talked about it one after another:

"look, I'm right. Manager Ye is probably with us all the time."

And the people on the side also nodded frequently and said, "apart from seeing our European boss, our manager Ye is so big and rich that he will not be willing to be this **all manager in our company."

As soon as he got to Oloy's office, he saw that the secretary had just come out of the office, and the secretary would turn around and tell Oloy when he saw Ye Tao coming.

Trying to surprise Oloy, he hurriedly stopped the secretary's movements, drew a booing gesture with his hand and walked towards the office door.

Ye Tao came in without knocking at the door to remind Oloy, but quietly came in through the hidden door, and did not forget to close the door that Oloy thought was closed by the secretary.

Ye Tao was afraid of not saying anything with such a large bouquet of flowers, but also afraid that Oloi, who was working, put down the flowers secretly and quietly touched Oloy behind her to see Oloy holding her at the moment when he was most defenseless.

This sudden hug really startled Oloi, directly scared Oloi picked up the folder in his hand and **ashed it hard. Ye Tao caught Oloy's hand in one hand when he saw the reaction so big.

At first sight, Ye Tao breathed a sigh of relief and put down the folder in his hand and sat down for a long time.

As soon as she got over it, she pinched Ye Tao, and she still said, "the first day I didn't go to work well. If I didn't come, I was startled, you dead Ye Tao."

When he saw Oloy playing with a little character, he quickly took out the flowers he had just put down. Ye Tao took the flowers out of Oloy's face, and there was that happy **ile on his face.

Although Oloy looked happy on his face, he said to Ye Tao, "for the sake of your boy's conscience, I forgive you and say, isn't there anything wrong with you today? how did you get to the company now?"

Looking at Oloy's proud appearance, Ye Tao thought in his heart that it was really not honest enough, but I like it.

Ye Tao looked at her and asked herself, and Ye Tao got up and said, "Honey, I missed you today, even if other things are not as important as you are."

As soon as Oloy heard this, he made a vomiting action, and when he saw her so lovely, Ye Tao could not help but go to Oloy and pinch her little face.

As soon as Oloy was pinched, he hit Ye Tao's hand and said, "Don't pinch it. Sooner or later, my face will be pinched and swollen by you."

Suddenly thinking that he was going to attend the famous doctor exchange conference in recent days, he stopped to tell Oloy that he was going to attend the famous doctor exchange conference these days.

When Oloi heard that Ye Tao was about to leave for a week, he was a little unhappy inside. When he saw that Oloy was a little unhappy, Ye Tao began to persuade:

"Honey, don't be angry. This famous doctor exchange conference was originally a goal of my life, the ideal of life. It is not easy for you to let me go if you have this opportunity. I will promise you whatever I ask for this time."

Seeing that Ye Tao attached so much importance to the famous medical exchange conference, he had to agree to Ye Tao to attend the meeting.

"it's only a week, honey, if you miss me, you can call me. It's not like I can't talk to meet, even if I want to meet in person, it's only a few hours by plane!" Ye Tao took Oloy's hands and whispered comfort.

"well, I don't care. You call me every night. Don't go out to the capital and get entangled with other women! Now promise me, "Oloy hummed.

Ye Tao listened to her request and said yes, and then sat in his chair and hugged her. Ye Tao and Oloy did not speak with great tacit understanding, and quietly enjoyed the time before their departure.

Time passed so fast that it was getting dark to see that the curtain of the night had come to an end and it was not easy to achieve his goal in life. Oloy was also happy for Ye Tao in his heart, so he suggested that a celebration party should be held for Ye Tao.

As he spoke, Ye Tao and Oloy went hand in hand to the underground garage.

Chapter 195: scrupleChapter 272: privacyChapter 147: toxicantChapter 84:setoutChapter 102: punishChapter 294: be fooledChapter 287: mightyChapter 409: cavesChapter 390: meshChapter 58: puzzledChapter 27:acneChapter 209: cureChapter 393: Method ofChapter 22: new arrivalChapter4:ScoldingChapter 418: battleChapter 401: agreementChapter 239: secretChapter 204: send wordChapter 220: gnosisChapter 310: braveChapter 233: tail afterChapter 355: expectChapter 285: abilityChapter 51: charityChapter 223: severeChapter 231: apologyChapter 351: roilChapter 110: suppliersChapter 361: hazardChapter 134: cozeChapter 135: affectionChapter 54: donationChapter 78: enemyChapter 394: contemptChapter 346: fairylandChapter 70: no salesChapter 355: expectChapter 177: unhappyChapter 394: contemptChapter 89: meetChapter 209: cureChapter 321: feel illChapter 379: appallChapter 295:performChapter 193: fearChapter 21: shoppingChapter 181: gainChapter 9:trapsChapter 315: convulseChapter 329: reportChapter 149: fightChapter 411: functionChapter 317: factChapter 387: thunderChapter 73:employeeChapter 349: revoltChapter 296: pantChapter 109: projectChapter 22: new arrivalChapter 66: prosperityChapter 386: epiphanyChapter 272: privacyChapter 81:strifeChapter 349: revoltChapter 297: fiascoChapter 420: NirvanaChapter 220: gnosisChapter 325: effectChapter 365: abuseChapter 229: strategyChapter 106: gratitudeChapter 109: projectChapter 400: variationChapter 277: prudentChapter 38: angerChapter 46: miracleChapter 8: RestorationChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 275: busyChapter 83: worryChapter 64: helpChapter 147: toxicantChapter 207: insistChapter 57:miserableChapter 385: shortcutChapter 109: projectChapter 393: Method ofChapter 137:contestChapter 192: obstructChapter 332: entrustChapter 98:be fooledChapter 331: meritChapter 223: severeChapter 247: tit for tatChapter 63: objectiveChapter 332: entrustChapter 95:kneel downChapter 247: tit for tatChapter 144: await