Chapter 344: taboo

Just rise Ye Tao calm down in Dantian, want to stimulate the power of prohibition.

But in the breath has just entered Dantian moment, a violent cool air into the whole body, just by the black man injured into the body of the black man energy, like dense ants, needles generally swim in his Dantian.

This feeling made him extremely painful, but also itching to the extreme.

Ye Tao frowned and hummed, unable to hold back half kneeling on the ground.

Zhong Shan asked, "Ye Tao!" What happened to you. "

All of a sudden, the air field around Ye Tao changed, and even the internal force he had just released was now infected with a trace of black.

Moreover, in Ye Tao's body there are obvious traces of electricity, the current as a net to nourish the wanton rise, Ye Tao's body directly into the air.

The man in black sensed something was wrong and mercilessly killed Ye Tao. He tried to kill Ye Tao with a wave of atmosphere.

However, the current wandering around Ye Tao was like a bottomless hole, devouring all the abilities of a man in black, and did not hurt Ye Tao at all.

The man in black was surprised and said, "how could this be the case?"

Ye Tao at the moment seemed to inspire something, and he went into the chaos of great pain.

But in the pain, Ye Tao's brain is extremely awake, he clearly feels that the power inherited from the drug king is spreading endlessly.

Ye Tao seems to know something.

Is it!

Is the power inherited by the drug king about to be activated and exploded?

But at this time he was unable to think much, can only hold his breath to accept more changes in the body, gradually, Ye Tao's hand was tran**itted by the current not in pain.

As a result, a trace of electricity flowed into his body, and the hidden power in Dantian was absorbed by Ye Tao's body under the stimulation of the current and the dark energy of the black man.

About five minutes later, the pain completely passed, Ye Tao opened his eyes slowly, and his limbs were full of endless power.

At the moment, even his eyes are scarlet.

Zhong Shan subconsciously stepped back several steps and said, "what's wrong with you?"

Perhaps because I have seen people who have gone viral, so Ye Tao showed this appearance at this time, which made Zhong Shan panic directly.

He worried that Ye Tao would lose his mind and completely become a devil.

If so, their way away from Ye Tao, afraid will die.

Ye Tao moved his hands slowly and was infused with the feeling of the whole body, just as getting a new life made him feel very fresh.

Ye Tao slightly raised his lips and said, "this time, you will lose the man in black."

Although I do not know why the drug king's energy will burst out at this time, but this is estimated to be the benefit of prohibition, all the energy has been expanded dozens of times.

It's just a little strange that the energy of a man in black is also accepted by his body.

This makes him a little unclear, which is exactly why.

But now is not the time to wonder.

People in black are also deeply aware that Ye Tao's overall energy has completely changed, at least five times more powerful than just now.

But the black man doesn't think Ye Tao can beat himself at this time.

He waved his sickle across the sky, as if he had cut off the heads of others, and the red blood blade went to Ye Tao.

Ye Tao took a deep breath, almost a few seconds, a touch of huge red internal force gas field condensed in his body.

Then he pushed forward the huge red ball, which turned into a dragon in the rolling room, roared like a roar, broke the attack of the man in black, and made a direct attack on the man in black to a hundred meters away.

"poof." The man in black was knocked to the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Because he was too arrogant, he did not expect Ye Tao to swing so much energy this time.


The man in black felt the familiar power coming from Ye Tao, which made him even more uneasy.

After a deep look at Ye Tao, he gnawed his teeth and made a handprint and disappeared away from where he was.

The man in black disappeared so fast that Zhong Shan did not react at all.

He froze and said, "this is it?"

He thought that the war was either dead or wounded, and even if a few of them could escape, it was estimated that they would have been seriously injured by people in black.

However, it all ended in Cannan.

Ye Tao stood where he was, and after the red gas was completely waved out, he was weak because of the sharp pain of lack of physical strength and bones all over his body.

But Ye Tao didn't want Oloy to worry, so he stuck in place but couldn't move.

With a little movement, the pain like bone erosion will double in.

Zhong Shan did not know the suffering of Ye Tao at this time, but also very happy to point Oloi acupoints said: "We have won!"

Zhong Shan said, there will be nothing wrong with Ye Tao in them!

Oloy was overjoyed and wanted to run away with Ye Tao.

But at the same time, Ye Tao also completely unable to support the brain a black, directly fainted on the ground.

In the face of Ye Tao's fainting, Oloi and Zhong Shan were in a hurry to move forward.

Oloi ring Ye Tao, tears can not stop falling.

Zhong Shan saw that the surrounding environment is very depressed, but also worried that there will be poor creatures later.

If you don't leave soon at this time, the trouble will be even greater at a later stage.

No way, Zhong Shan can only say: "Let's go first, I think Ye Tao is not a big problem, the gas pulse is also stable, should just faint."

Oloi wiped his tears and nodded, "OK."

There was no Ye Tao on the road, and they had so many ideas that they met monsters.

Zhong Shan gnawed his teeth and said to the Oloy, "you take care of Ye Tao, I'll deal with the monsters here."

Although Zhong Shan is not as powerful as Ye Tao, it is not a special weak scum. It should be possible to deal with this monster. I think so.

Monster eyes with purple-green light, strange looking strange, people do not beast do not beast lying on the ground.

Zhong Shan drew his knife from his arms and said, "if you want to eat us, you will have to practice for a few years!"

With that, he was caught in a scuffle with the monster.

Oloy also took advantage of this time to send a signal to be picked up outside.

Here Zhong Shan slapped a few knives at the monster, and the monster roared a few times because of the pain, but those wounds did not hurt him except for the pain.

Therefore, the fighting effectiveness of monsters has not been reduced, but has become more serious because of anger.

The monster suppressed and raised his front claw and waved it to Zhongshan.

Zhong Shan gnawed his teeth against the monster with a knife, but when he got to the back, he couldn't stop it and was knocked down to the ground.

The huge impact caused Zhong Shan to suffer internal injuries, spit a mouthful of blood, his hands quickly escaped from the suppression of monsters.

Zhong Shan knows that such a rampage can not beat the monster.

He took a quick look around the monster and finally locked it in the eye.

The eyes are the weakness of the monster. When it attacks, it will subconsciously close its eyes, obviously protecting its own weaknesses.

That being the case, that's what he's dedicated to!

Zhong Shan drank and jumped away with the eyes of the monster.

This man, a monster, torn and fought back and forth, and Zhong Shan received a lot of attacks back and forth, every time he was seriously injured.

But fortunately, at the end of the day, Zhong Shan took advantage of the distraction of the monster to pierce the monster's eyes with a sharp blade in his hand, and took the opportunity to cut off his head with a knife.

The battle was finally over, but Zhong Shan was also seriously injured.

Zhong Shan gnawed his teeth and dragged his body back to Ye Tao and said, "I may not have the strength to go forward."

He could feel several of his bones broken, and it was a lot of pain to move.

He now sincerely admires Ye Tao, this way has encountered a lot of such monsters, but Ye Tao is very easy to solve the monster.

This gave him the illusion that these monsters were nothing more than that.

But now that he fought once in person, he didn't understand.

It turned out that it was not that the monster was weak, but that Ye Tao was too strong.

Oloi held up Ye Tao and said, "I've had someone pick us up outside. We can go home and hold on for a while."

The three of them finally left here, and after they went out, many people outside the door had already waited.

Oloy asked them to take Ye Tao and Zhong Shan into the car and went straight back.

Chapter 255: worryChapter 90: destroyChapter 409: cavesChapter 195: scrupleChapter 378: To confirmChapter 345: activateChapter 67:postChapter 414: vigilanceChapter 149: fightChapter 341: panicChapter 206: killerChapter 118: welcomeChapter2:CrashChapter 142: etiologyChapter 269: storyChapter 151: mistakeChapter 359: abjectionChapter 85: rumorChapter 301: startleChapter 105: referralChapter 189: argueChapter 134: cozeChapter 35: conditionsChapter 298: HelpChapter 260: fundChapter 348: commerceChapter 228: sleeplessChapter 195: scrupleChapter 356: orderChapter 395: toxicantChapter 306: hostilityChapter 331: meritChapter 338: relicChapter 213: sound outChapter 317: factChapter 162: lessonChapter 251: wagerChapter 271: rapidChapter 346: fairylandChapter 194: restChapter 265: hearingChapter 197: warningChapter 225: adviseChapter 246: coercionChapter 405: situationChapter 191: bullyChapter 23: tough guestChapter 221: refuseChapter 336: majestyChapter 15:UrgentChapter 80: fleeChapter 360: considerChapter 80: fleeChapter 173: requestChapter 355: expectChapter 333: orderChapter 188: concealChapter 114: nameChapter 38: angerChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 83: worryChapter 385: shortcutChapter 316: backdropChapter 79: teaseChapter 334:worshipChapter 335: thoughtChapter 380: regressChapter 344: tabooChapter 265: hearingChapter 264: statusChapter 341: panicChapter 49: fameChapter 311: welcomeChapter 334:worshipChapter 86: attendChapter 251: wagerChapter 22: new arrivalChapter 37:celebrityChapter 351: roilChapter 178: consultChapter 163:failureChapter 148: ventureChapter 289: conceitChapter 227: thoughtChapter 94: despicableChapter 388: promoteChapter 77: amazingChapter 229: strategyChapter 377: arrayingChapter 351: roilChapter 100:argumentChapter 303: springeChapter 84:setoutChapter 248: surmiseChapter13:SuccessChapter 294: be fooledChapter 53: stop itChapter 398: water holeChapter 170: pityChapter 179: profit