Chapter 356: order

Oloy was puzzled. She looked up at Ye Tao, who said, "did you have someone send you a drink just now?" She has been following Ye Tao, how come she doesn't know about it?

Ye Tao shrugged his shoulders as if nothing had happened and said, "I don't remember either, but bring it over and drink it, just a little thirsty."

The next man was still nervous about Oloy's problem. When he heard Ye Tao's words, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and did not notice Ye Tao's meaningful eyes.

Gong Xinyang stood in the distance staring at them, saw Ye Tao had reached out to pick up the red wine glass, Gong Xinyang immediately grabbed the table next to him, staring at Ye Tao's hand.

Ye Tao raised his glass and looked at it. In fact, he caught a glimpse of Gong Xinyang, not far away, and saw his excited appearance. Ye Tao immediately scoffed and raised his head as Gong Xinyang wanted to drink the wine clean.

Watching Ye Tao drink all the wine, Gong Xinyang immediately appeared ecstasy on his face. When his men came back, Gong Xinyang immediately let him look at the woman.

"take care of that woman and tell her that she must do what I tell you, and don't let her break it."

"Tang Jun."

Ye Tao's voice appeared in his mind, and Tang Jun's footsteps stopped at once: "respect the general."

"introduce me to everyone here, so... As an assistant to the god of war. "

Ye Tao leaned against the railing, looking to the side of ignorance, but also for his plan is about to succeed and feel excited Gong Xinyang.

Hearing Ye Tao's request, Tang Jun felt a little strange for a moment. Didn't the general not like to be paid too much attention to by too many people? Why are you asking him to introduce him now?

However, doubts are returned to doubts. Ye Tao's orders to Tang Jun will still follow suit: "Yes, respect the general."

Coming out of the crowded crowd, Tang Jun quickly came to Ye Tao, and his face was full of respect and worship before he approached Ye Tao.

The god of war did not come, today Tang Jun is an important figure here, most of the people in the venue are focused on Tang Jun's body, see Tang Jun walk to Ye Tao's side, and his face is still full of respect, this group of people immediately froze.

"what is this, Tang Jun? Does he know that Ye Tao? Why do I look at Tang Jun as if I respected Ye Tao? "

"Oh, no, I didn't see anything special before, and what is the identity of your excellency? How can there be respect for Ye Tao? It can't be Ye Tao who we don't know, can he? "

Tang Jun's behavior aroused the curiosity of everyone, many people are looking at Tang Jun, trying to see what Tang Jun is going to do, and to find out what is so special about Ye Tao that he can make Tang Jun respect Ye Tao so much.

Gong Xinyang looked at all this, even more scared face white trembling all over, teeth bite creak creak said: "this is over, this Ye Tao should not be Tang Jun Zhan Zun know people?"

The fact is more heartfelt than speculation, Tang Jun among the people respectfully invited Ye Tao to the upper seat, because Ye Tao did not let Tang Jun say his identity, Tang Jun can only be replaced by the word *****.

"Lord Ye Tao, please come with me."

Looking at Tang Jun's action, Oloy's eyes immediately revealed a trace of doubt: "Ye Tao?"

Isn't Ye Tao not going to reveal his identity in this place? Tang Jun, what is going on?

Ye Tao reached out and patted Oloy on the shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, I have my own ideas."

Oloy, of course, trusted Ye Tao. When she heard Ye Tao say this, she naturally nodded without wanting to say, "I believe you, you can do whatever you want."

During the time when the two of them were talking, Tang Jun stood by and listened, with no impatient expression on his face, and this moment scared the people below.

"what's going on here? Why did Ye Tao dare to keep Tang Jun waiting so long? Is his identity really different? "

"do you have to ask again? How can ordinary people let Tang Jun treat each other differently, even regardless of his own image, waiting for him for so long, his name is also Ye Tao, the god of war is also called Ye Tao, you say he should not... "

The thought appeared, and the perimeter was silent, watching the two of them with their breath in their breath, and those who had offended Ye Tao were even sweaty.

Had it not been for the fact that running away at this time was tantamount to disrespecting Ye Tao, and they also wanted to find out whether Ye Tao was the person they were thinking about, I am afraid they would have already run away.

Tang Jun waited until the two of them finished talking, Tang Jun only once again reached out his hand and said, "my Lord, this way, please."

Ye Tao had long been used to their respect for themselves, and did not think of anything wrong with this. Ye Tao nodded lightly and followed Tang Jun.

It was not until Ye Tao came to the top that Tang Jun cleared his throat and announced to the people who came to the dinner party: "Thank you very much for coming to attend the gift of someone in Tang today. Here I would like to introduce you to an assistant who will be sent."

Under the needle can be heard, the whole venue only echoed the voice of Tang Jun alone, the eyes of the people fixed on the direction of the two of them, and many of them with a little less psychological quality were even about to fall.

Thanks to the tables and chairs next to them, they didn't really fall.

Tang Jun turned his head and looked at Ye Tao standing next to him, and said with great respect, "he is the most trusted Lord Ye Tao!" He will exercise the rights that his father will give him, and he will supervise us on his behalf. "

Tang Jun also said something behind him, Gong Xinyang could not hear at all, he looked at all this in front of him, the clothes on his back were thoroughly soaked in cold sweat, and his head was full of only two words.

Who can think that Ye Tao is not only not a liar with the same name as the god of war, but also a capable general under the god of war? And Gong Xinyang unexpectedly wants to calculate Ye Tao, Gong Xinyang unexpectedly wants to calculate the assistant next to the god of war.


Just as Gong Xinyang was frightened into a cold sweat, another loud noise came from one side, and he turned his head in the direction of the sound.

At a glance, he saw that the man who had just drugged Ye Tao was so scared that he fell to the ground! And there is a pool of suspicious liquid between the legs, which looks extremely disgusting!

There was a bad **ell in the air, and the people who had been standing next to him had spread out around, vaguely, and Gong Xinyang also heard their argumentation.

"Why is this man so rude in front of Lord Ye Tao? I think he's going to be punished. "

"Yes, even if Lord Ye Tao is willing to ignore it, most people will choose to punish him instead of *****s."

Reason quickly returned to mind, Gong Xinyang face ugly, step forward to find his previous arrangements for the woman, Gong Xinyang must hurry to let that woman leave.

No one can find out that he wants to calculate Ye Tao! Otherwise, not to mention whether Ye Tao himself will care about him, just those who want to please Ye Tao can tear up his life and then hand it over to make an application form!

Everyone's eyes are focused on Ye Tao and Tang Jun, and no one has noticed the minor master of the palace family. When has he left quietly?

Only Ye Tao, who stands at the top of everyone, will have a panoramic view of everything. Ye Tao thinks slightly and knows what Gong Xinyang wants to do. Ye Tao's mouth shows a shallow **ile.

"want to stop at this time? That's not up to you. "

For those who want to calculate themselves, Ye Tao will not let go easily, but now there is a group of people waiting for him to speak, Ye Tao can not leave casually, can only open his mouth to appease those people a few words.

"I know if you will be retaliated by me if you offend me before you worry, but I assure you that although I exercise supervision on behalf of the god of war, I will not embarrass you as long as you do nothing to betray the god of war and break the rules."

Chapter 349: revoltChapter 257: angerChapter 67:postChapter 154: forgiveChapter 132: sound outChapter 82:reportChapter 176: jokesChapter 176: jokesChapter 290: evidenceChapter 46: miracleChapter 313: elatedChapter 328: gloryChapter 238: explainChapter 79: teaseChapter 85: rumorChapter 420: NirvanaChapter 281: moveChapter 157: apologyChapter 246: coercionChapter 45: skillChapter 325: effectChapter 226: reliqueChapter 369: strategyChapter 130:newsChapter 196: improveChapter 279: hunterChapter 210: healChapter 334:worshipChapter 411: functionChapter 240: powerfulChapter 398: water holeChapter 186: backdropChapter 187: persuadeChapter 194: restChapter 237: shockChapter 400: variationChapter 35: conditionsChapter 51: charityChapter 213: sound outChapter 205: businessChapter 141: do a favourChapter 36: helpChapter 400: variationChapter 31:meansChapter 418: battleChapter4:ScoldingChapter 94: despicableChapter 84:setoutChapter 335: thoughtChapter 325: effectChapter 49: fameChapter 333: orderChapter 311: welcomeChapter 30: menacingChapter 185: healingChapter 365: abuseChapter 55:honorChapter 79: teaseChapter 53: stop itChapter 218: accidentsChapter 165: tactChapter 405: situationChapter 43:pleadingChapter 155: go to City AChapter 357: conspireChapter 290: evidenceChapter 55:honorChapter 376: listlessChapter 159: insolentChapter 201: victimsChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 150: chitchatChapter 100:argumentChapter 328: gloryChapter 99: dreamsChapter 105: referralChapter 123: discoveryChapter 98:be fooledChapter 205: businessChapter 194: restChapter 95:kneel downChapter 304: congratsChapter 207: insistChapter 252: molestChapter 114: nameChapter 389: heresChapter 109: projectChapter 34:beauty careChapter 329: reportChapter 341: panicChapter 93:detectChapter 323: actingChapter 389: heresChapter 343: be at easeChapter 248: surmiseChapter 156: happenChapter 53: stop itChapter 167: excusesChapter 338: relicChapter 413: suddenly