死傷多是兒童!葉門校車遭襲擊39死 疑沙國聯軍發動空襲

▲ 這起攻擊事件大多是10歲以下兒童遭到波及。(圖/CFP)



據悉,這輛巴士載有多名兒童。國際紅十字會在推特提到,當地一間醫院目前已接受數十名死傷患者。而國際紅十字會駐葉門代表團團長布魯沃(Johannes Bruwer)則提到,「有數十人死亡,更多人受傷,且大多是10歲以下的兒童。」

Scores killed, even more injured, most under the age of ten. @ICRC_ye sending additional supplies to hospitals to cope with the influx. https://t.co/BBKoiO6bbS

Following an attack this morning on a bus driving children in Dahyan Market, northern Sa’ada, @ICRC_yemen- supported hospital has received dozens of dead and wounded. Under international humanitarian law, civilians must be protected during conflict. pic.twitter.com/x39NVB8G4p