章瑩穎案嫌犯遭起訴 美警認定:被害人「已死亡」

中國北大女學生章瑩穎美國警方認定「已經死亡」。(圖/翻攝自Chicago Tribune‏推特)


中國北大女學生章瑩穎4月赴美伊利諾大學香檳分校(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)交流,不過卻在6月初時失蹤,至今仍未找到人。美國聯邦調查局(FBI)在6月30日時逮捕嫌犯布蘭德特(Brendt Christensen),並在近日對他提起刑事訴訟;而伊利諾州的檢方人員在綜合各項證據後,判定章瑩穎「已經死亡」。



報導中指出,聯邦檢察官辦公室發言人保羅(Sharon Paul)表示,基於法庭上所呈現的事實文件,還有在調查過程中的發現,警方認定章瑩穎已經遇害身亡。

We are releasing this video as we continue our search for Yingying Zhang, missing since Friday, June 9. In this security video from the B-4 parking garage on North Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, just after 2 p.m. Friday, Ms. Zhang is seen standing on the east side of Goodwin Avenue as a black Saturn Astra (unknown year) pulls up beside her. She and the driver speak for some time before she enters the vehicle, which then continues north on Goodwin Avenue. The very last clip of the video is a closer view of the vehicle, just before picking up Ms. Zhang. Any information you may have about this vehicle or the encounter could help in our search for Ms. Zhang. Please call 911 or the University of Illinois Police Department at 217-333-1216. Non-emergency information may also be emailed to police@illinois.edu. We again greatly appreciate all the information we have received. Although we may not be able to respond to everyone immediately, we are following up and thank you for your assistance.