美高中生反霸凌! IG匿名稱讚657位同學畢業才公開



社羣網站可能是網路霸凌溫牀,不過美國一名高中生康納(Konner Sauve)匿名建立Instagram帳號來鼓勵同學,希望能杜絕霸凌,直到畢業才把這個「最高機密」公諸於世,許多人都稱讚他帶來溫暖,「如果有更多像你這樣的人,世界會變得更美好!」

18歲的康納來自華盛頓East Valley高中,1年前在Instagram上以「thebenevolentine3」註冊帳號,每天都更新對學校同學的鼓勵,但是沒有人知道是誰在使用這個帳號,直到上星期畢業他才親自揭開這個「最高機密」,已經讚美了657名同學。

Rebecca wiseman Our wonderful horse rider!!! You may be extremely quiet, but you are so wonderfully sweet and generous to all those you meet. You work hard in your classes and try to push your limits towards success. You are so beautiful that it is amazing to see you work so hard at what you do. You know how to train hard in order to get the success you want in horse riding, so apply that work ethic to all aspects of your life and you will soar like an eagle darlin’! Be amazin, be wonderful, and be strong!

Its About You. You're Next.☯(@thebenevolentone3)張貼相片 於 2015 年 6月 月 6 2:17下午 PDT 張貼


Ronald. By FAR! The coolest senior picture I've seen. I'm sad to see you go! You are such a kind and gentle person! You made people smile and shared laughs. Your curiosity led you to discover new things all the time. Never lose your imagination or that curiosity of yours, roll that bowling ball down the lane of life because you're about to strike everyone down with how much of a friendly dude you are!

Its About You. You're Next.☯(@thebenevolentone3)張貼的相片 於 2014 年 8月 月 17 11:08下午 PDT 張貼


康納分享美國作家瑪雅安吉洛(Maya Angelou)曾說的「人們會忘記你說了什麼、做了什麼,但不會忘記『你給他們的感覺』」,於是他去年夏天決定拍下學年冊所有同學的照片,並且瞭解他們的優點,每天PO上網站,「每個人都會犯錯,我只看好的一面,所以把大家的優點PO上網,希望別人也能看見,過去一年來能感受到學校裡的正向氣氛。」

