

最近美國專利貿易局(US Patent and Trade Office)公開的一份蘋果公司專利權申請書中,透露了蘋果正在研發且將要問市智慧型手錶(smartwatch),可能取名爲「iTime」。產業分析師與蘋果迷都在仔細閱讀這份公開的專利申請書(patent paperwork),想要一窺蘋果的最新穿戴式裝置──智慧型手錶之中,究竟有何「特色」。文件上這麼寫道:

Features in the wristband could include sensors for tracking motion and even being able to give it commands with gestures.

feature (n. v.) 特徵;特色sensor (n.) 感應器motion (n.) 動作姿態移動command (n. v.) 命令gesture (n.) 姿勢手勢

這句話是說:「錶帶上的特色包括感應器,它追蹤姿勢動作並能用手勢下達指令。」本句的主詞是「Features in the wristband」,其中的features是名詞的「特色」、「特徵」。但是feature在國際職場多益測驗裡,它也常當動詞使用,有「以…爲特色」、「以…爲主角」、「以…爲專題」之意。

例句:Thank you for agreeing to be featured in Citywatch Magazine’s series.(感謝您答應接受《Citywatch》雜誌系列單元的專訪。)




例句:The officer commanded his soldiers to hold their fire.(軍官命令士兵們停止射擊。)

The clients commend him for his professional attitude.(客戶們讚賞他的專業態度。)

The doctor recommended that we should get more medical advice.(醫生建議我們諮詢更多的醫療意見。)


With a touch screen possibly, the wrist band is configured to connect wirelessly to a mobile device such as a smartphone.(錶帶,可能是配上觸控熒幕,以無線方式連接安裝在像是智慧型手機的裝置上。)

The touch screen display can be configured to present visual information to the user and to receive user input from the user.(觸控熒幕顯示被安裝用來呈現視覺資訊使用者,以及接收使用者的輸入。)


The meteorological agency recommended that tourists to the region be ___ dressed for frigid conditions.(A) suitable(B) suitably(C) suitability(D) suitableness

解析本題的正確答案是(B)。解題關鍵是「副詞修飾動詞」的用法觀念。動詞是「be dressed」,指「穿着、穿上」,所以用副詞suitably(適當地)來修飾動詞,取「適當地穿着」之意。全句爲「氣象站建議前往該區旅行的人,應該充分準備禦寒衣物。」

