在家看好奇心爆發的「企鵝夫妻」水族館走透透 影片讓網集體療愈


source:Shedd Aquarium@YouTube

位於美國芝加哥的寫第水族館(Shedd Aquarium),擁有500萬加侖的超大魚缸,在營業的這將近100年之中,每年都吸引超過200萬觀光客前往朝聖。水族館附近有芝加哥博物館、阿德勒天文臺還有菲爾德自然歷史博物館,想必這裡的人潮在疫情爆發之前應該相當龐大。

#WheresWellington? At Caribbean Reef to help celebrate #WorldOceanDay! The ocean directly supports animals from rays to rockhopper penguins. But as a producer of around 50-80 percent of Earth's oxygen (wow!), the ocean affects us all—even if we don't live near the coast. pic.twitter.com/hYLJ8kYivo


Penguins like Edward and Annie will begin to build their nests next week. Join us digitally for nesting coverage! In the meantime, we will be sharing lots of different animal updates (and yes, Wellington will return!) (2/3) pic.twitter.com/eCYKOwdOMz


Penguins in the Amazon?! Some of the penguins went on a field trip to meet other animals at Shedd. Wellington seemed most interested in the fishes in Amazon Rising! The black-barred silver dollars also seemed interested in their unusual visitor. pic.twitter.com/KgYWsp5VQD


Wishing our @ChicagoFire neighbors at @SoldierField waves of good luck as they kick off the 2021 home opener tonight. We're rooting for you alongside your MVP—most valuable penguin—Darwin... even though he's all feet! pic.twitter.com/ZeUivucRPX


Source:Shedd Aquarium@Twitter

